10 Fun Signs She Adores You and wants to be more than Friends

December 13, 2021 Dating

In the world of Russian dating sites, you must be on the top of your game. Are you blind to the hints that a Russian woman is into you? If you don’t know the signs that she is flirting with you, it could cost you relationships. In a Russian woman’s mind, she may think she is giving off enough hints that she likes you. All of those hints go away if you don’t know how to act on them. Here are 10 fun signs that she adores you and wants to be more than friends.

1) Questions, oh and more questions

When you first meet someone on a Russian dating site, there is always the introduction between you and whoever you are chatting with. Once the introductions are over, now the true test begins if she is really into you. One of the top signs that she is into you is if she leads with questions. Have you ever had chats with women online and felt like you had to open every conversation? Well, this is not by design. If you have to open up and be the only one asking questions, then she may not be into you. On the other end, if she is asking questions about you, and asks another question after you answer the last one, you have her interest.

2) Smiling

Getting your Russian girlfriend to smile is about as good as it gets. She finds you funny when you try to be funny. She gets your jokes. No matter how she smiles at you, her natural response of smiling is a sign that she adores you.

3) Playful Banter

Do you ever find yourself talking to your Russian girlfriend and she pokes fun at little things you do? Don’t get offended because it’s a sign that she likes you. If she feels comfortable enough to give you little jabs, it shows that her barriers are down with you.

4) You are the talk of the town

When you are chatting with your Russian girlfriend, she may say that she mentioned you to her friends and family. If you become the talk of the town for her, it’s a sign that she sees you as someone she could have a future with.

5) Eye Contact

Let’s imagine you are hanging out with your girlfriend in a public setting with a group of friends. If she is interested in you, you will notice moments where she is looking at you when you aren’t looking. You two may lock eyes but she may naturally glance away. This could be a sign of shyness but you will be on her mind.

6) Busy schedule? Doesn’t matter

She may be busy with her daily life, but she is still able to make time for you. Any time she has free time and chooses to chat with you online is a huge sign that she adores you. She could be doing anything else with her free time but she wants to spend it with you in some fashion. In-person, chat, video, or however it may be, she wants to spend time with you.

7) Single vibes

Look for hints on her trying to remind you that she is single. She could say things like “She can’t seem to find the right guy for her.” She could talk about how she doesn’t like to hang out with friends and be a third wheel. Look for the dropped hints about her wanting a date for an event. If she mentions that she needs a date for an event, take your shot and say “We can go together.”

8) You see a funny side of her

Over time you start to see a different side of her. You start to see a very quirky, goofy side of her. She feels comfortable enough around you to be herself. You will notice that she isn’t worried about dancing in front of you or snorting when she laughs really hard. Embrace her uniqueness for who she is. Her uniqueness will be the reason why you could fall in love with her in the future.

9) The Speed of the Reply

Outside of her being busy throughout the day, take note of the speed of her reply. Usually, when a female is interested in you, it won’t take her long to reply back to you. It should be consistent as far as the speed of the reply. That is why it is important to know how to open conversations and follow up.

10) The Touchy moments

A secret sign that you may have never noticed is if she playfully touches you in public. Let’s say you’re having a drink with her and a group of friends. In the middle of your time together, she touches your shoulder or your hair for example. Maybe when she laughs she puts her hand on your shoulder. These little touches are all signs she is into you.


By now there may be some things you have read on here that remind you of a moment in your Russian dating history. The best thing you can do is use this for the future of your relationships. If you are mostly Russian dating online, then watch things like the speed of her reply and if she is asking you questions. If you are dating in person, see if she is goofy around you or she playfully touches your arm or hair. All of these tips can help you tell if she adores you and sees you as more than just a friend.

April 16, 2022

I love you at first site and am willing to be more than just friends