Five Successful Tips on when it's Time to Move in Together
Do you ever sleep at night wondering if the time is right? Is it time for you to change your scenery and live with your partner? The question may come up in conversations between the two of you but sometimes it’s just talking. The idea of living with another person can be scary or frightening because of the unknowns. If that is the case, don’t worry too much because here are five successful tips on when it’s time to move in together.
1. Staying over regularly
It’s important to respect each other’s personal space and privacy but you seem to find yourself spending all of your free time with your partner. You could be busy throughout the week but on the weekend you decide to stay over for a couple of days. If this describes you then it’s a good sign you could move in together. Of course, being there for a couple of days during the week doesn’t guarantee a perfect move-in. There are a lot of things to handle such as finances, chores, and schedule. If you have been with your partner after a while and feel comfortable staying over regularly then you two should discuss the idea of moving in together.
2. Common Interests for Living Together
If you have had conversations about what you both want in living together then that’s a good sign. Do not live together just for the sole reason of being able to afford something together. Your intentions in living with someone should be the idea that you share common interests and want to grow together. It is very hard to focus on growing as a couple if you are only together to afford a living situation. If the issue is financial and you both can help each other but at the same time love each other and respect each other’s interests, then moving in together can work. You want to grow with someone, not be stuck with someone.

3. Privacy Matters
Moving in together with a partner should be a synchronized effort to be there for each other. This does not mean 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The more time you spend together could reverse the intentions of living together in the first place. A good goal to follow is that you both should respect each other’s privacy. Not every day will be good and sometimes your partner wants privacy. If you can work with your partner’s feelings and not always be in their way, it can be a good sign that it’s time to move in together.
4. Communication is Good
One of the most important traits you can have in a relationship is good communication. Communication can lead to a healthy relationship. Talking about sharing chores, financial issues, annoying habits, or just talking bout each other’s day can make the move-in transition easier. One of the hardest things to overcome is the financial part of moving in with someone. If things are going to be split in half or who takes care of what bill can be a huge headache. If you and your partner feel comfortable talking about financial problems or issues, then it’s a huge step in the right direction. Talking about social media and dating sites can help you understand what to expect when living together. Are you both willing to spend more time together rather than searching on dating sites?

5. Past Experiences
Have you gone out for a week-long vacation with your partner? How did it go? Were you both sick of each other after a couple of days? A good rule of thumb is to judge your time with your partner based on actually having to be around each other for a long time. A vacation that is more than five days is a good barometer of how living together would be like. Of course, spending 5 plus days with someone on vacation after only dating for a month or so is a lot different than taking a partner you have been with for over a year. A fair judgment could be having a relationship for over a year and going on a week-long trip. See how the trip goes. If you two can manage to enjoy your time together for a week then you can most likely move in together. Another experience that could determine your move in fate, could be that you both have survived arguments with each other. I am not saying you should move in with someone that you constantly fight with but if you have had an argument before and came out of it better then moving in could be a good possibility.
Recap :
You may have spent a lot of time on dating sites or Russian dating sites to find the one person to live together with. It is a long process, not a sprint when it comes to finding someone compatible with you. Especially if it’s someone you want to live with. Start with staying over at each other’s place for a bit before making the big move. Understand each other’s interests, chores, financial situations, and goals. Communicate as much as possible so it can make the transition smoother. Don’t be scared, but have the move in conversation if it is something you want to do.
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