What it means if your date is obsessed with the holidays
There are the usual telltale signs people have told you about since you started dating: bad tippers are selfish lovers, how your date treats his mother is how he’ll treat you, dog owners are good with children. But as holiday decorations begin to grace every storefront and “The Holiday” plays on a loop on Bravo, we wondered what someone’s love (or loathing) for the holiday season revealed. Fortunately, thanks to our thousands of questions that millions of Russians Dating Online users have answered, we easily found out.
First, we asked nearly 300,000 users whether or not they get into the holiday spirit, and at what level — obsessed, celebrate but keep it low key, don’t celebrate, or actually loathe the holidays. Then we looked at how these same Russians Dating Online users responded to other questions — Here’s what we found.
If you’re going on a date with a girl who’s obsessed with the holidays, she may also be obsessed with herself.
Now, that statement may be a little harsh — confidence can be a good thing! But we found that women who say they’re obsessed with the holidays report the highest levels of self-confidence, with over half saying their self-confidence is “very, very high” or “higher than average.” Only 40% of women who say they loathe the holidays responded the same way. For male daters, it’s men who do not celebrate the holidays (but don’t loathe them, either) who report the highest self-confidence levels.
Women who loathe the holidays are more likely to love kink, whereas men who loathe the holidays are less likely to.

While women who loathe the holidays are about 10% more likely to identify as “kinky” than those who do celebrate (either obsessively or low-key), the reverse is true for male daters: men who are obsessed with the holidays are the ones who are about 10% more likely to say they’re kinky.
If your date does not celebrate the holidays, they probably don’t think fate played a role in bringing you together.

Over half of Russians Dating Online users believe in fate — and we love that. Sure, we may rely on numbers for your Match Percentage, but we also look to the stars*. Yet when looking at users who do not celebrate the holidays, the opposite is true with less than half believing in fate. Women who do not celebrate are 20% less likely to believe in fate than the average female dater, while men who don’t are 25% less likely than the average male dater.
*Well, not really, but we still think fate plays a role in getting two people on Russians Dating Online in the first place.
A man who’s crazy about the holidays is more likely to be crazy about marriage.

Men who are obsessed with the holidays are 2x more likely to say they’re ready to get married and settle down than those who loathe them. When just comparing men who celebrate to those who don’t, the difference is less pronounced with celebrators being about 10% more likely to be looking to wed.
Find someone who feels the same way about the holidays as you do, right now on Russians Dating Online.