Simple Tips on how to get excited about getting back to Dating Online

On a scale of 1 - 10, how excited are you about dating someone online? If you gave a low number here, there are probably multiple reasons why. Some of the biggest reasons have

4 Amazing Tips on how to Overcome Fears when Dating online

How do you define fear? Webster defines fear as "1 · to be afraid of : expect with alarm ; 2 · to have a reverential awe of ; 3 · frighten ; 4 · to feel fear in (oneself).

The True Meaning of Love: Why Do We Care for One Person more than Another?

Have you ever been in love? The type of love where you put someone first? We are talking about a love that off the top of your head you can pinpoint one person that comes acro

Want to know how Russians Celebrate Easter? 4 things you should know

One of the biggest holidays for Russia is Easter. Among the largest denominations that celebrate Easter in Russia is the Russian Orthodox church. At the Russian Orthodox churc

4 Online Dating Tips that will help you Attract People you are interested in

Have you ever been on Russian Dating sites only to attract the wrong women for you? Did you know there are ways you can improve your online dating game by making changes to yo

Why Dating Over 50 is Important? Pros and Cons of Senior Dating

The Golden Age. The golden age is referred to when you reach over the age of 50. Are you a single male searching through Russian dating sites, and you are over 50, have you ha

Is being Introverted Good to Date Online? Find out ways to be more outgoing

What does it mean to be Introverted? Some may define being introverted as someone who doesn't like to be around people. It could be someone who likes to keep to themselves and