Did She Lose Interest? 4 ways to Ruin Your Chances with Russian Women Online

January 17, 2022 Dating

Have you ever experienced that gut feeling that you knew your relationship was taking a turn for the worse? When you are on Russian dating sites, there is a fine line you need to stick to. What would turn a Russian woman off when you are talking to her online? Surprisingly, it is very easy to keep her interest if you learn how to. Let’s say you met a Russian woman online and your chats with her have died off. Did she lose interest? Here are 4 ways to ruin your chances with Russian Women Online.

1 ) Messaging TOO Often

There is a saying that less is more. When you first meet a Russian woman online, your first instinct is to constantly message her. Tell her everything about yourself, and ask every question you can think of. If this sounds like you then you need to slow down A LOT. How fun is a game of tennis if you were the only one hitting the ball? If she played tennis with you, and she never hits the ball back to you, how much fun will that game be? You need to let her reach out to you every now and then. Let her build interest in you by having her wonder how you are doing. If every day you nonstop message her, and she expects your text, you will become predictable. Your relationship should never feel rushed. Yeah, the butterflies and magic of the beginning stage of a relationship are fun, but you have to keep the element of anticipation high. Imagine getting a gift every day. Every day you wake up and get a gift. How are those gifts going to be MORE special than the gifts you get on actual Christmas day? Your communication with a Russian Woman should be steady and controlled. You should be able to lead the conversation with what you say and what you don’t say. You are in the driver’s seat, and you can get to know your Russian girlfriend in an exciting way of anticipation. In short, do NOT message her all of the time. You can open up a message when you feel like it, but see if she reaches out to you every now and then. Just don’t message for a day or so, and see if she really has an interest in you.

2 ) Coming on TOO Strong

This is no secret, Russian Women are very attractive. You don’t have to tell them that, they probably already know that. A nice rule of thumb is to compliment a female once in a while. A compliment should not be your only form of communication with her. You want to ask questions about her interests, hobbies, and lifestyle which has much more value than straight-up compliments. You letting her get to know you and your personality will separate you from the other males that could be talking to her. Leave the compliments for when she really wants to know what you think. Even then, compliments are best when you meet them in person and you comment on something they are wearing or how their hair looks.

3 ) You Bring up Intimacy TOO Soon

This is probably the biggest mistake all men make when talking to a Russian Woman online. Men tend to talk about intimate things before the woman is even comfortable enough with them to talk about it. Do not send intimate pics or messages. The only thing you should do is respond to an intimate message IF she initiates the conversation with intimacy. No dirty pics. No videos either. You should be a mystery and your ultimate goal should be to meet with her in person. Why ruin the whole mystery about you by sending dirty pics and ruin your chances with her with bad messages? You could do so much better by keeping calm and wanting to get to know her. Stop wasting your energy by saying inappropriate things when she doesn’t even know you. Spend more energy becoming the man of her dreams, and she will treat you like it. Let her bring up intimate questions or conversations. You can then be playful and creative with your response. Don’t just outright tell her what you want to do with her, leave details out of it and make her wonder what it would be like to be with you. Only bring up intimate things if SHE wants to talk about it. Even if she does want to talk about it, try not responding, and have her reach out to you again. Always letting her want more from you.

4 ) Wanting to Meet TOO Soon

The goal of Russian dating sites is to eventually meet with a Russian woman and live a life with them happily ever after. If that is not your goal, then you are probably missing out on the true value of dating online. This is something you can’t rush into. There are some variations to this. She may want to meet you after a week of talking. She might want to meet you after a year of talking. When it comes to meeting in person, you will need to judge based on how well your connection is going with her. When you first start talking to her, you should not open up about meeting with her if she has not said a word about meeting with you. Take time to talk and get to know her to understand if this is someone you truly want to spend time with. If she hasn’t mentioned meeting you after a while of talking then you can take a chance and ask. Let’s say you two have been talking for over a month. Things are going smoothly but you want to take the relationship to the next level. You can take your shot but understand that if she hasn’t mentioned meeting with you in person then it’s going to be tough to know what she may say. If she has messaged you about meeting or wanting to see you then it is up to you to figure out a time and place.


Take your time. Chat with her, get to know her, and judge where you are at based on what she is saying to you. You shouldn’t have to feel like you have to compliment her and reach out to her all of the time. If you find yourself having to reach out to her all of the time then she is probably not the one for you. You want someone who wants to reply to your messages and ask you questions. You want to feel your relationship grow day by day instead of jumping all in on pure attraction. Be confident. Even if you lost the interest of one, there are thousands of other women on Russian dating sites that you can meet.

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