Online Dating Profile Do's and Don'ts
There has been a huge increase in the number of people flocking to Russian dating websites to find love online over the last couple of years. Now is the ideal time to get your digital dating dialed in, and Russian Dating Review wants to help point you in the right direction. Here are some Online Dating Profile Do’s and Don’ts to become the smooth operator you aspire to be.
Online Dating Profile “DO” – Use High-Quality Photography
We can’t overstate the importance of this one. First impressions last, so you want the first photo that people see leaving them wanting more. Studies have shown that women take about 1/10th of a second to form an impression of someone in a photograph, so if she has a bad impression of you from the start, she’s avoiding your online dating profile and leaving messages unread. To get on her good side, your goal should be to visually communicate that you’re interesting. Some of the best photography tips for elite dating are:
- Portrait with natural lighting showing off your beautiful mug.
- Travel photos that communicate you’ll likely take her someplace exotic.
- Action shots that convey you love being adventurous.
Online Dating Profile “DON’T” – Post Low-Quality Selfies
Many people think of selfies when they hear the word “portrait,” but the weird angles often distort your face. Russian Dating Review has found that for the best portrait results, swap out the selfie stick for a best friend or professional photographer to snap the picture for you. The formula for the most desirable headshot is quite simple: look straight into the camera with a nice smile, stand under natural light, style your hair nicely, and a simple background.
Online Dating Profile “DO” – Give Your Profile Some Personality
Crack a joke. Share your favorite movie comedy. Be cheeky.
Choose 3 or 4 adjectives that best describe your personality. If you’re at a loss, ask some friends to help describe you. How would they describe someone they were setting you up with? Be sure to include what you care about. Don’t just describe your job and move on, this isn’t a resume, so your job should get very little focus. Most importantly, what are you passionate about? Do you enjoy helping others? Be honest with yourself and your personality will come across loud and clear, attracting the Russian Instagram model you’re interested in and a shot at exclusive dating.
Online Dating Profile “DON’T” – Be Afraid of “Ghosts”
When someone goes quiet, don’t sweat it. Expect it now and then. It goes with the territory, so it’s nothing personal-it’s online dating. If you’re looking for inspiration to get the conversation going, check out our article, “6 Pick Up Lines For Russian Women.”
Online Dating Profile “DO” – Be Positive
It doesn’t have to be cliche, like rainbows and unicorns, but what are your words saying? Are they saying “I don’t want this? All of the sudden, you’re yelling at someone instead of offering something someone can be drawn to. Tell her about who you are. These will help break the ice and make her smile, and once you’ve mastered these Online Dating Profile Do’s and Don’ts, building the relationship of your dreams is only a click away.